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Planning to build your own home

Your home, your way

Self Build can be a cost-effective way to get your dream home. Around 10% of new homes in the UK are Self Build but most people don’t do the building themselves, they organise the project, hiring professionals to do the design, planning and labour.

Why choose Self Build

Having a say in the design, layout and location of your home is one of the major benefits. Few of us get the chance to influence these factors so there is a lot to think about.

You could save 20% to 40% on the cost of an existing home. The more work you do yourself, the lower the building costs will be but bear in mind the time and effort, especially if you also have another job.

What to consider before building your own home

Building your own home can be a rewarding experience, but it’s also a huge commitment that can take a lot of time, money, and resources.

Before you start the process of building your dream home, there are some things you should consider.

The average cost for building a 3-bedroom house ranges from £240k to £365k, so you’ll need to consider how you fund it.

You may be able to get a self-build mortgage with lenders such as Loughborough Building Society. You’ll need a deposit and to be able to fund some of the build from your own resources.

You might find that you’ll need to save a larger deposit in order to secure a mortgage for a self-build property, with mortgage lenders tending to set a lower maximum loan to value (LTV) ratio on self-build mortgages than they would on a standard residential mortgage.

To secure a mortgage with a lender, they’ll need to check you’ll be able to afford the payments as well as your other financial commitments, after all, there may be a time when you’re paying mortgage payments on the self-build mortgage as well as paying for accommodation whilst you’re building.

The amount you can borrow will depend on how much you earn and how much you have in living costs, so take into consideration what you might be able to comfortably afford when starting your self-build journey.

As with a regular residential mortgage, you can arrange an Agreement in Principle (AIP) with a mortgage lender to find out if you’ll be able to borrow the amount required to build your home.

An AIP doesn’t guarantee you can get a mortgage, but it’ll give you an idea of whether a bank or building society would be willing to lend that amount.

Having a contingency fund available of between 10% and 25% of the project cost is also essential in case your project doesn’t go to plan, problems that require extra funds can often start early on in the build. You may also find that the cost of materials may fluctuate over the period of the build.

If you still have the contingency at the end of the build, you could consider upgrading interior finishes or landscaping schemes.

Project Planning your Self Build

There are many things to consider when building your own home, these include:

  • Finding a plot on which to build your property
  • Getting planning permission and self-build insurance
  • Financing your self-build and setting budgets
  • Hiring professionals and obtaining building materials
  • The schedule of works

All of these tasks require a lot of forward planning and precision project management if you want to keep to time and on budget with your self-build.

Hiring a professional project manager

To help ensure that your project is managed properly, you could consider hiring a professional project manager.

A professional self-build project manager will oversee/procure a building within the budget and time parameters set, they’ll also help save you the job of having to find the main contractor or sort the design etc.

They’ll also oversee health and safety on site, cost control, contracts, and time management.

All these responsibilities demand a good knowledge of finance and construction, which is where self-builders taking on the role themselves can sometimes struggle.

An experienced professional will also have a range of contacts that could save you time sourcing contractors and materials. Their experience will also come in handy when potential issues arise.

Professionals are trained to understand exactly what’s needed to bring the scheme together and can therefore budget accordingly, so you shouldn’t have to worry about the cost of your project going overboard.

While you’ll have little responsibility for day-to-day activities, you’ll still be involved in the decision-making process.

Hiring a project manager will however take 5-8% out of your overall budget, but their experience could be invaluable.

Managing the project, yourself.

If you have the time, the dedication, and experience in managing projects you could consider project managing the self-build yourself to save on money.

Bear in mind that juggling the project management of a self-build project while maintaining a full-time job and family can be extremely stressful, especially if you have limited experience.

If you do decide to go ahead with managing the project yourself, you’ll need to be very organised and plan ahead to ensure that your self-build project keeps to time and the set budget.

Project management tools

It’s a good idea to plan a week-by-week schedule of the build works with your contractor.

Having a schedule of your works which includes the length and scale of each part of the project, will help you plan accordingly and ensure your project stays on the right track.

There are various options to help you plan your self-build project and track your progress and finances, from timetables on spreadsheets to project management software like Trello, Asana and Wrike.

From making checklists to project plans on excel, how you build your plan is entirely up to you.

If you don’t know where to start, something like a Gantt chart can provide you with a simple visual representation of your project schedule.

With a Gantt chart, tasks to be completed are listed down the left-hand column and blocks of time are shaded in the corresponding row to show the start date, finish date and the duration of each task. Additional columns can also be added for budget costs, actual costs and the resources required for each task.

A Gannt Chart template can help get you started.

In order for a project management tool like a Gantt chart to work effectively, it needs to be completed as accurately as possible at the planning stage. To do this, you’ll need to gather as much information as possible. If items are missed or an unrealistic schedule is set, the project will be destined for problems before it even gets underway.

Ideally when planning you need to identify what needs to be done at each stage, who is doing each task, how long each task will take and the costings.

Your architect, designer and contractor will be also able to offer support on what’s required at various stages and how long tasks will roughly take.

For a typical self-build schedule of works click on the link below.

It’s also best to be prepared to amend the timetable on the advice of your contractor and builders and the reality of the situation at the time.

The Governments self-build portal is also a good place to source this information and will likely have case studies of projects similar to yours that could help you plan your project.

Setting a budget

Most lenders will require full details of the project’s costings and cashflow projections when you submit a self-build mortgage application, so it’s a good idea to start putting a budget plan together as soon as possible.

A typical self-build budget plan will show the cashflow breakdown for each stage of the building process, from purchasing the land to laying foundations to constructing the house.

A lender usually releases funds at six key stages in the project, so you’ll need to create a cashflow budget with funds allocated for each stage.

In addition to the cashflow budget, you should take into consideration costs such as the architect and project management fees, survey planning, finance and other associated fees, buildings warranty insurance and a contingency fund of between 10 to 25%.

This is a good point to start to get quotes from potential contractors and suppliers. It’s worth shopping around and gauging availability too, contractors often have workloads planned out several months in advance.

Location of build

When choosing your future home, whether building or buying, you’ll want to make sure it’s in a location that suits you, does it have a local school? Are you able to commute to work easily? Are you close to your family?

It’s worth having a look at what’s currently available in your chosen area(s). This can give you an indication on costs and what type of builds are being constructed.

The cost per square metre of land varies per local authority, it’s therefore a good idea to compare areas to see which has the best value for you.

How big an area do you require? How many rooms do you need? How many stories? The bigger and more complicated the project the more expensive it will be.

As well as location, the type of plot you build your house has to be taken into consideration, do you want to purchase land, demolish an existing building to rebuild/ renovate a current property?

It’s worth reaching out to the local authority’s planning department early to see what is and what‘s not viable. Most local authority planning departments offer pre-application advice, but keep in mind that some authorities charge for this service.

Finally, how is the project going to be managed? Will it be a custom or a bespoke design done through a package company, or will you use an architect and contactor or a professional project manager?

Having a clear vision of how you’re going to set out and build your home will help a great deal when starting the project and the lender will likely want to see the plans

Choosing a building plot

As with viewing houses, finding potential plots of land where you can build your property can take patience and time, but taking time to find the right plot of land or property is crucial in getting your self-build project off the ground.

A good place to start searching for suitable land is to use online resources such as PlotSearch.  PlotSearch lets you search on building opportunities available in each county. PlotSearch also saves you time by only listing genuine building opportunities where planning permission has been granted.

When looking at sites, focus on a few preferable areas that best suit your needs and price range.

When you’ve got a few areas in mind where you’d like to build a property, it’s a good idea to register your interest on local self-build registers by using the Government’s self-build portal at

Be aware that some Local authorities charge for the registration with prices varying, so check in advance.

As part of the Right to Build legislation, local authorities in England must ensure that they have sufficient plots available to meet the demand, and demonstrate that planning permission (or permission in principle) has been granted on these plots within three years. To find out more about this scheme visit

When searching through your preferred location, you could also visit the area to scope out current build projects and potential opportunities.

Alternatively, you could get in touch with local independent estate agents regarding available opportunities, it’s also worth getting in touch with local surveyors and architects too, as they’ll find out about new plots early.

If the area you’re looking at has high house prices you could also consider buying a poor-quality house to demolish and create a building plot.

Plots suitable for single houses are regularly sold at auction, often as demolition and rebuilds. But bear in mind, if you’re buying a property at auction, you’ll only have 28-56 days to complete on the purchase, meaning you’ll need to have the funds readily available. The seller will also require an upfront deposit of around 10%.  

Surveying the suitability of the plot

Once you’ve found a potential plot of land to build on, before committing you’ll need to check the suitability of the plot, does it have any current issues, will there be potential issues in the future that could derail your self-build?

A useful source of information is the local council planning department website. Most councils give access to the documents relating to submitted planning applications.

By looking through the records of your site and nearby houses you’ll be able to get a good picture of the sort of designs that achieve planning permission. It might also help uncover any reasons why others get refused.

The plot you’re looking at might have wider potential for developers, it’s therefore wise to look at current local plans to make sure that the land you’re looking at is not already designated for future developments.

Obtaining a land survey

It’s highly advisable to get a professional survey of the land done before purchasing.

Some Banks, Building Societies and other lenders will request that a survey is done before they authorise a mortgage.

Only a licensed land survey, produced by a qualified land surveyor, will be able to exactly describe what the area you’re going to purchase includes or entails.

By obtaining a land survey report you’ll be able to identify any issues concerning the land including:

  • What utilities (gas, water, electricity, phone) the land is connected to or are in existence nearby, if your plot doesn’t have easy access to these services, getting connected could add greatly to the overall cost of the project
  • Whether the plot is on a flood plain or has any other potentially damaging issues like a risk of subsidence or if the plot is on unstable ground
  • Whether the land is not legally subject to any restrictive land covenants or ransom strips (Legal covenants can restrict whether something is built on a plot, or dictate the style or location of the house)
  • Whether there are any access or boundary issues which could cause potential legal issues with your neighbours, the last thing you’ll want is to go to court over a boundary dispute.

The best place to search for an accredited Land Surveyor is on the RICSCICES and CIOB websites, with the cost of the survey depending on how much detail you require from it and the size of the land.

When contacting the surveyor, make sure you tell them exactly what you need from the survey, this will ensure that time won’t be wasted and will help the surveyor give you an accurate estimate.

Designing your Home

Designing is one of the most exciting stages of building your own home but it’s also one of the most crucial.

We all dream about designing our own home, but unless you have plenty of time and resource to understand the different options available and what’s needed to make a safe and secure structure, it’s probably best to hire a qualified architect.

However, the more you know about the different styles, materials, insulation etc, the more input you’ll be able to give to the architect when briefing the project.

In addition to designing the house, a qualified architect will be able to support the whole project and handle the statutory requirements including the planning permission and building regulations.

RIBA is a good place to start when looking for the right architect for your project

You’ll also need check that your prospective architect is registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB).

It’s a good idea to speak to a few prospective architects about your project but bear in mind that some architects might charge for an initial meeting, often requesting a one-off introduction fee.

In these initial meetings you can discuss your requirements, your budget and whether they can deliver the project or not. You should also negotiate a fee and get confirmation of that fee and what it covers in writing.

The cost of the architectural services will greatly depend on the level of involvement, the location, and the complexity of the project.

Choosing a Build method

There are a few of options available when choosing how to build your dream home.

The most common construction methods are:

Build and Block – This is the most conventional building method in the UK, this system works with an inside layer of concrete blocks, an outer layer of bricks and a layer of insulation in between.

Timber Frame – These types of buildings are becoming very popular with self-builders; timber frames offer a wide range of design options from a traditional brick-faced style to a wooden Scandinavian style.

Steel Frame – While not common in the UK, it’s a popular construction option in the US, steel frames are light weight and high strength but will require you to purchase on a supply and fit basis from a manufacturer so the design could be limited.

There are other alternative methods available from Timber Clad to Styrostone, but the majority of builds constructed in the UK use the Build and Block or Timber Frame construction.

For more information on build types visit

Whether its brick and block, timber frame or other construction options, choosing how your home will be built will depend on a number of factors.

If you’re building a customisable or bespoke home through a package company, the architects, or contractors that the packager users, will usually have their own build style/structural preference, so if you’d like a particular construction option it’s best to find a packager that meets your requirements.

If you’re building a house with an architect and a contractor, they also may require that the project be built using their chosen construction method, so it’s best to keep this in mind when holding initial conversations.

Lastly before choosing a building option, it’s important to check with lenders what construction types, they’ll consider lending on. Many lenders will have a list of acceptable build types. 

Getting Planning Permission

Before purchasing a piece of land you’ll need to at least obtain Outline Planning Permission from the Local Authority.

By gaining planning permission from the local council, you’re gaining consent to turn a piece of land into a viable building plot.

It’s recommended to get in touch with planning officers at the local council of your self-build project as early as possible to get a strong idea of what will and what won’t be accepted in terms of size, style, and materials.

Most planning departments offer pre-application advice, but be aware, some might charge for this service .

Outline Planning Permission allows for a decision on the general principles of how a site can be developed. The Outline Planning Permission will last 3 years.

Full details of the size, dimensions etc. can be decided at a later date.

However, Full Planning Permission (also known as Detailed Planning Permission) with your detailed proposals will be required before building work can actually start.

When applying for planning permission and building regulation approval, your application will likely need to include:

  • Five copies of the application form
  • The signed ownership certificate
  • A site plan, block plan, elevations of both the existing and proposed sites
  • A Design and Access Statement
  • The correct fee

Home Building have more information on planning permission. Most local authorities will have guidance notes available to help you fill in your statement.

On receiving the application, your local authority will send out an inspector to view the plot and assess the suitability of the project. There will be a charge for this service, details of the charges can be obtained from your local council.

The local council will take into account a number of factors when considering whether your building project is likely to gain planning permission.

These include

  • Privacy
  • Lighting/Overshadowing
  • Parking
  • Traffic
  • Noise
  • Impact on listed buildings and Conservation Areas
  • Layout and density of building
  • Design, appearance, and materials
  • Government policy
  • Disabled access
  • Previous planning decisions

The local authority will also release details of your application to local neighbours and the parish council so that any objections can be lodged.

Unfortunately, a new building project could risk upsetting locals living or working in the area.

Neighbours living nearby might be worried about the extra noise, the traffic it might cause, and the effect it could have on the value of their own property.

Once the Local Authority has received these responses, they’ll assess the proposal against their planning policy. The planning officer will then make a decision on whether to approve or decline the application.

If approved, Full Planning Permission will be granted and the work will be allowed to start.

If there’s a problem, the planning officer might try and contact you to resolve it. If it’s refused, then you’ll either need to resubmit an amended proposal or appeal against the decision.

Sometimes conditions of approval will be attached to the planning permission, these will need to be complied with throughout the project.

The council should let you know their decision on your application within 8 weeks.

Please note, your typical straight forward planning application is decided at planning officer level but a more complex application will probably need to go through to a planning committee which could take longer to process.

Instead of making a decision, the planning officer will make a recommendation to the planning committee.

A planning meeting will be held where, you or your agent will be given an opportunity to address the planning committee. The local planning committee will then vote on the final decision.

Complying with Building Regulations

In addition to having planning permission in place, your building project must comply with building regulations.

All new houses have to be built to the correct set of standards, from the foundations to the electrics, your building must be safe and structurally sound in order to become a home.

Whether your home passes or fails these building regulations will depend on a set of rules.

To find out the building regulations that will apply to your self-build project, get in contact with the building regulations department of the local council, where they’ll be able to let you know which procedures to follow.

More information about the planning and building regulations can be found at the  Government Planning Portal website

Please note, the primary responsibility for complying with the regulations belongs to the person carrying out the building work.

This will usually be the firm that employs the builder(s) carrying out the work, though make sure you confirm this in writing at the very beginning.

Ultimately however, it might be you, the owner of the building who’ll receive an enforcement notice if the work doesn’t comply with the regulations.

Getting Regulations Approval

To get regulations approval, you can either use the building control services of your local authority or an approved inspector.

Inspections of the work will take place at particular stages in the build process (see example below) to ensure regulations are being complied with.  

Build stage                                       Notice required

Commencement                              2 days

Excavation of foundations            1 day

Foundations laid                             1 day

Oversite preparation                      1 day

Damp proof course                        1 day

Drains testing                                  1 day

Occupation prior to completion:  Within 5 days of occupation

Completion:                                       Within 5 days of occupation


Ahead of each stage you’ll have to notify the inspector, giving notice for them to inspect the work.

These stages might vary by local authority and the type of build, so check with the building regulations department before arranging an inspection.

Arranging finances for your self-build project

Self-Build Mortgages

Before starting to build your home, you’ll need to arrange finance for your project, while you might have saved some funds ready for the project or are able to sell or remortgage an existing property, it’s likely that you’ll need to arrange a self-build mortgage with a lender.

Which mortgage to choose?

As with most residential mortgages, there are lots of different self-build mortgages available with different features that meet different needs.

Unlike a regular mortgage, you’ll receive funds in stages as parts of the build are finished, rather than as a single lump sum.

Build projects are usually split into the following six key stages, where funds are released.

  1. Purchasing the land
  2. The initial project costs and laying foundations
  3. Construction to wall plate levels
  4. Building made wind and watertight
  5. First fix and plastering
  6. Second fix through to completion

(Different build types and lenders will vary slightly)

With so many factors to consider, it’s best to get in touch with a mortgage adviser or broker/intermediary.

An adviser will be able to provide information on what type of self-build mortgages are available and will recommend a mortgage product which is the right fit for your individual circumstances and project type.

A typical mortgage lender will offer self-build mortgages with a loan to value (LTV) range of 75% – 85%. With an 80% LTV mortgage you’d need to have a deposit of at least 20% of the loan amount before you could apply for that product.

For example, if the estimated cost of your final project were £400,000, you’d need at least a deposit of £80,000 to apply for a mortgage with an LTV of 80%.

With some lenders, you’ll be able to have a mortgage on an interest only basis throughout the build process, this is particularly helpful if you need to live in a rented property.

On completion of the build, you’ll need to convert to a repayment mortgage. It’s best to speak to your mortgage adviser about all the options available once the build has completed.  

If you’ve built up enough equity in your home or if you own it outright, you also have the option of re-mortgaging or securing a bridging loan to pay for the plot, funding your build costs or both.

So, when your new home is completed, you’ll be able to sell off your old house to pay for the loan. The advantage of this method is that you’ll be able to stay at your current home throughout the building process.

Get in touch with a mortgage adviser to discuss your available options.

Assessing an application for a self-build project

When submitting a self-build application to a mortgage lender you’ll need to provide the following supporting documents:

Planning permission and building regulations approval – With some mortgage lenders, like Loughborough Building Society, Outline Planning Permission is only required for the purchase of the plot, detailed planning permission, building regulation approval and any other necessary statutory or local authority consents will be required before further drawdown after land purchase.

Scaled Architectural Drawings – Detailed specifications and costings must be submitted with scale drawings.

A completed submission sheet

Details of the costings and cashflow projections – Some providers may also want a breakdown of the work and details of who is doing it.

Site Insurance – A solicitor should ensure Site insurance is in in place by completion of the mortgage, at a minimum it should cover:

• £5 million Public Liability

• £10 million Employers Liability

• Contract Works (for the re-instatement value)

• Reinstatement cover for any existing structure.

An NHBC certificate or equivalent warranty – This needs to be applied before building work commences)

You’ll also need to submit documentation to support the application in the same way as with any regular mortgage application, e.g., pay slips, bank statements, ID, proof of rent/mortgage and deposit.

It’s also important to have a healthy credit record and ensure that your outgoings are not exceeding your income.

The lender will be able to tell you what they require.

Once your mortgage application has been approved, the lender will agree a schedule of payment drawdowns.

The lender will arrange a local valuer to inspect the building at each build stage and payment release until the project is complete.

Other fees to consider

Stamp Duty Fees – When building your own home, you won’t need to pay stamp duty on the house, as no transfer is taking place. You’ll only need to pay stamp duty on the piece of land that you purchase. This is one of the advantages of building your own home.

As owner of the property, you’re responsible for completing the land transaction return and paying the Stamp Duty Land Tax. Your solicitor or Conveyancer will usually handle this for you and send it to HMRC on your behalf.

You can find the most up to date rate of stamp duty payable on the government’s Stamp Duty Land Tax webpage.

Valuation Fees – Mortgage lenders will likely want to conduct a survey and valuation before making a lending decision and can advise you of their fee in advance.

Completion fees
To cover the administration costs of arranging a mortgage, some lenders will ask for a completion fee on some products. If you wish, you can choose to add this fee to your mortgage account (subject to loan to value limits). However, you should consider carefully before adding any fees to your mortgage as these will incur interest charges at the rate of interest applicable to your mortgage account.

Solicitor Fees – These fees will normally depend on the size of your property and will include a Land Registry fee, the solicitor’s own conveyancing fee plus other charges and expenses known as ‘disbursements’.

Planning Fees – These include the fees you’ll need to pay to the local council for planning permission, building regulations approval and inspections. You’ll also have to pay architects fees for their drawings and plans.

Mains Services – If your building plot is not readily connected to mains services like electricity, gas, and water you’ll have to budget for these to be provided.

The further in distance your plot is from the nearest infrastructure, the more costly it will be to provide a connection.

By speaking to suppliers early, you’ll be able to get estimates on how much it will cost to establish a connection and the amount of time it will take.

Once these connections are set up, you’ll start getting charged as soon as you start using these services.


It’s crucial that you’re adequately insured when building a house, especially when you consider how risky building sites can be – not just for accidents but for things like theft and vandalism.

It’s therefore important to get a Self-Build insurance policy that provides cover for

  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Employer Liability Insurance
  • Contracts Works Insurance
  • Reinstatement cover for any existing structure
  • Other Insurances i.e., for specialist services provided by third party contactors

When looking for self-build insurance it’s best to get in touch with a dedicated self-build insurance provider like Self Build Zone or Protek for example.


A building warranty is essentially an insurance policy for newly built homes. 

This warranty will cover the major structural elements of your new home from any physical damage that takes place for a period of ten years. It’ll also cover workmanship and materials such as windows and tiles as well as the electricity and plumbing of the building.

Without a structural warranty or architects’ certificate in place, it’ll be practically impossible to sell your home within the first 10 years. Most mortgage lenders will specify that you’ll need one in place too.

Here is a list of warranty providers with whom you can take out a policy:


Premier Guarantee

Build Zone

LABC (New Home Warranty)

Building Life Plans Limited (BLP, Allianz Guarantee)


Checkmate Castle 10

What’s Next

After the building work is complete there are a few things, you’ll need to consider before you move into your home.

Obtaining a Completion Certificate

A completion certificate is an official written record showing that the building work has been carried out in accordance with Building Regulations and therefore can now be deemed suitable to live in.

Your main contractor, surveyor, project manager or package house supplier will sign off the property and apply to the local authority for the completion certificate.

You should receive the completion certificate within eight weeks of completion of the building work (as long as it complies with the regulations).

At this point you’ll be able to apply to HMRC for VAT reclaim (See below).

Upon completion, your property will become liable for Council Tax, at some point, you’ll receive a bill that’s backdates to the completion certificate, so be prepared for this expense.

It’s also worth speaking to your lender as they may have more suitable mortgage products for you to switch to once your home is complete.

Reclaiming Value Added Tax

One of the benefits of building your own home is that Self-Build homes are exempt from VAT and therefore you should be able to claim your tax back.

Remember to keep all the receipts of all your purchases because you’ll need these to make a VAT reclaim.

For information on filling in a VAT reclaim visit

Arrange a handover

Before moving in your property, it’s a good idea to complete a handover with your builder, so they can show you how to use your new home, including details on how each appliance works. This is also an opportunity to make sure everything has been completed according to your plans and that there are no remaining issues.

Remember to ask for manuals for each appliance, you may not be able to remember everything during the handover.  

Arranging a snagging inspection

When building a home, there’ll always be small defects that need sorting out along the way.

While most of these will be dealt with during the build, some elements will only be picked up after completion.

It’s therefore a good idea to get a snagging inspection done soon after completion

With a snagging inspection you and your contractor (and architect if possible) will do a walkaround the house, noting defects as you go.

This is your chance to have genuine faults corrected – It isn’t a means to get the builder to do additional work for free. 

Another option is to get a professional snagging survey done; however this will incur an extra cost.

The majority of builders will hold back around 2.5%-5% of the agreed contract price to cover remaining snagging issues after completion. 

Post codes

Unless there was a previous property on your site, your new home will come with a new address.

To get your new address, your builder will need to contact the local council in order to get the new address and post code created. The post code will go live when Royal Mail are informed that mail can be delivered to it.

Be prepared to have your post and parcels redirected elsewhere while businesses update their databases.

It may also take a while for Satellite Navigation devices to be updated, so be prepared to give people directions to your home from different locations.

Remember to also get a door number for your new property!

Order bins for your property

Get in touch with your local council to arrange to have wheelie bins delivered to your new home and find out which days your bins will be collected, or you could be left with a big pile of unwanted rubbish.

Moving into your property

At last, you’re ready to move into your dream home.

A new home, especially one you’ve built is exciting, but the moving process can be stressful, it’s therefore best to have a plan in place.

To help, we’ve put together a list of things you’ll need to consider at various stages leading up to the day you move.  

Four weeks before moving

  • Have you confirmed the date you’ll be moving in?
  • Have you booked time off work? 
  • Have you started thinking about and planning your removal?  
  • Get more than one removal quote 
  • Does your home contents insurance cover you for the move? 
  • If not, have you arranged for separate cover? 
  • Have you put together a moving pack with all the essentials you’ll need such as a kettle, mugs, light bulbs, toilet paper? 
  • Have you let all your telephone, utility companies, bank and other key parties know when you are moving?

Two weeks before moving

  • Have you told your local authority your new address and moving date?
  • Have you redirected your post?

One week before moving

  • Have you packed the majority of your items?
  • Do you know what time you’ll be able to move?
  • Have you confirmed all the details with your removal company?
  • Have you asked the builder to show you where the gas, electricity and water meters are, and where you can find the fuse box and stopcocks?
  • Are all the window and door keys labelled and easily available?

Day before moving

  • Have you packed a moving day survival kit with all you need such as tea and coffee?
  • Have you settled all your bills?

Finally, you’ll be able to move and enjoy living in your own dream home or even sell/let it out for another family to enjoy.

For more information on getting a self-build mortgage with the Loughborough visit or get in touch with our direct team by telephone on 01509 389282 or by email at [email protected]